Legal notice
C/ Real, 24
Zamora · Spain
Data Protection
Posada Los Condestables fully complies with the personal data protection law. Personal data will not be collected on our web pages unless you communicate with us (e.g. through the form), without your consent (e.g. by registering for any of the services offered on the website) or if it is not allowed by the laws or regulations governing the processing of personal data.
When you provide us with your personal data, you must first accept the Data Protection Policy and, unless otherwise provided in the corresponding Data Protection Policy, we will normally use your personal data to respond to your inquiries and/or provide access to the specific information requested.
You may exercise at any time, the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of your personal data, in writing in accordance with what is established in the corresponding Data Protection Policy.
In compliance with the Organic Law on Personal Data Protection (LOPD and R.D.L.O.P.D.), we inform you that your personal data, collected through the website, through forms or links to email, will be processed for the purposes of: managing potential customers, contacts and commercial communication actions, and may be hosted in the corresponding files. Finally, we inform you that your data will be kept in the files of our company in order to conduct commercial follow-up and keep you informed (about services and products that may be of interest to you) by postal mail, by phone or by any electronic means that you have provided to us. In order to exercise the rights that, as the owner of your personal data, the Law contemplates, of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, you can send a written request, duly accrediting yourself with a photocopy of your ID card, to POSADA LOS CONDESTABLES, indicating on the envelope the reference: “Data Protection”, at the following address: C/ REAL 24 · 49630 VILLALPANDO (ZAMORA).